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The Importance of Security Culture

A few years back, a prison hospital and security firm were sued — and lost. What could have gone wrong? Well, one night, a prisoner escaped his cell, made his way through the hospital, took a nurse hostage, and raped her. The nurse rightfully won $7.2 million, but there is no amount of money that could undo what had been done to the nurse. And to make matters worse, this type of scenario is easily preventable with proper protocols and an emphasis on security culture.

Creating Security Culture

Frankly, many terrible situations arise often because of the employees. Now, let us make something very clear here, issues will arise because of the employees, but that does not mean the issues are their fault! 

A group of company employees sitting around a kitchen table-size desk in an office and listening to their leader. This image is used in the BPS Security blog titled, "The Importance of Security Culture"

It is the duty of the security company and employers to evaluate their clients security gaps, and educate their client (and their client’s staff) about security. Doing so will create a security culture.

How can employees cause security issues? Often, they do not even think that a problem can arise. But this is a classic case of a team not staying alert, thus a security breach is easy.

How to Educate a Client and the Client’s Employees

When taking on a new client, a security firm must first identify vulnerabilities in the company’s security policies and procedures. These can include:
  • The policies on key distribution and the locking process
  • Visitor policies
  • Policies on equipment storage
  • Lighting design
  • Security camera placement
  • And more
(In the lawsuit we mention above, another major security gap could include the way in which the prison transports the prisoners.) Once the security firm identifies potential vulnerabilities in a company’s security procedures and policies, they then must re-write and implement the new plans.
Note that there is not a 100% full-proof policy and procedure! However, it is still the due diligence of the security firm to create them to the best of their ability, ask all questions, and actually tour the facility themselves.

Then, implementation is key. The entire staff must be aware of the new plans, and the client must be willing to mandate the policies. Additionally, the security company needs to report if and when a company employee does not follow the new rules. Why? This is how to create a proper security culture!

Photo of a desk with books stacked up agains the wall and two large binders reading, "procedures" and "policies. This image is used in the BPS Security Blog titled, "The Importance of Security Culture."

Fun fact — Here at BPS, when identifying security gaps, we will even role play! This helps us cross as many t’s and dot as many i’s as possible!

Final Thoughts

To prevent heinous crimes like the aforementioned lawsuit, a security firm needs to create a security culture. Failing to do so will result in problems and/or catastrophes.

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