
for our clients

At BPS Security, we are the industry standard for security guards and general security. All too often, security guards are undertrained, unprepared, and treated as another “checklist item.”

We’re on a mission to change that – we provide our guards with proper training, education, and the right systems so our clients can not only meet their security needs, but exceed them.

With BPS Security, you can receive a quote in seconds, with contracts out within minutes of approval. We take security seriously, and we believe that is reflected by our commitment to make you, your employees, and your customers feel safe at work.

In fact, we can have guards onsite with as little as 24-hours lead time.

Our Clients

Our goal is to create a mutually beneficial relationship between us, our guards and our clients! To do so, we work hard to identify & only move forward on relationships with clients who carry the same core values as us! 

Treat People Well

Clients, vendors, and employees! We care deeply about our people and it’s important to us that our clients care equally about their people. People are what keeps a business moving and it’s critical to us that they are cared for and cared about by us and by our clients.

Prioritize Processes

We understand that everyone gets busy, but at the end of the day, processes exist because they keep companies running smoothing while also ensuring work is completed and documented so paperwork is filed on time, every time to ensure no gaps occur!

Leverage Technology

Technology has served an incredible role for the past few years in allowing companies to streamline, automate and elevate quality control. We use technology extensively to ensure all our reports are filed on time, licenses are renewed, guards are held to higher standards that the rest of our industry, and more!

Our GUards

Our guards are paid living wages – they are able to focus on you and your property for maximum crime displacement because they deal with less financial stress and are more motivated to work for you than with other companies. Our guards show up on time for scheduled shifts, and clients provide input on who works their property. We do our best to match our guards based on numerous factors, ensuring the best environment and experience for all parties. Also, all security guards are trained to 3x the minimum industry requirements, ensuring they are prepared for all situations. They need to be confident, which allows our clients to be confident in their abilities. We take great pride in our training and will continue to provide this to all of our guards – it’s just one component that helps set us apart. Finally, alongside general training, all BPS guards are crime displacement certified – a certification only offered by BPS at this time.

Custom Security Solutions to Meet All Regulatory Requirements

BPS Security can provide you with custom security solutions to meet all regulatory requirements – we’re here to support and protect you. We implement all available solutions to match your desired outcome, whether that’s on-site security or roaming patrols, a choice of armed or unarmed guards, or fast deployment for immediate security needs. Moreover, our custom-built software ensures that all licenses are renewed on-time, every time. That same software offers custom reports that also meet all regulatory needs for increased organization and efficiency. .

contact BPS Security

Do you require on-site security officers? Whether for a manufacturing facility, corporate office, event venue, or other scenarios, we’re here to help. Why choose any security guard or company when you can choose BPS – we’re working on setting the industry standard.
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