
for our guards

In the security industry, many guards are underpaid, understaffed, and left with little instruction – their job is simply to guard.

At BPS security, we take great pride in our guards, and they take great pride in protecting our client’s businesses.

We Pay a Livable Wage to All Guards

We believe it’s important that our guards are able to focus on their actual work and not how to pay their bills. When they are able to focus on the work because they are paid a livable wage, they are able to provide a higher caliber of service to our clients and all parties are happier. We treat our guards well, and we see that return in their excellent work ethic and commitment.

Our Training Exceeds Industry Standards

If you’re interested in becoming a guard for BPS security, understand that our guards are provided with and held to higher education standards than most providers. Our training requirements exceed industry standards, making sure our guards feel confident dealing with any scenario. Our guards are also provided with the appropriate tools and uniform, allowing you to look and act the part.

The Best Fit for Client & Guard

We do our best to match our guards to the right clients, taking into account client needs and cultures alongside guard personalities and talent. Work should be fun, serious, but fun. That’s why we allow the client to have a say in who is part of their security team and visa versa for the guards. At BPS security, we believe in a healthy work-life balance. Our guards reserve the right to request time off whenever desired for vacations or other reasons, and we will always do our best to approve it! At the same time, we do hold our guards accountable to show up for their shifts. It means that no one guard is ever responsible for covering long hours for a co-worker and our clients are never left without the security they need. It’s a two-way street – our guards help out clients and we’re able to provide a plethora of perks and great pay to our guards!

Our Core Values

We want to ensure you are happy and engaged at your work, so we actively screen our clients to ensure that they meet the same core value criteria we ask you to live up to as well!

Treat People Well

Clients, vendors, and employees! We care deeply about our people and it’s important to us that our clients care equally about their people. People are what keeps a business moving and it’s critical to us that they are cared for and cared about by us and by our clients.

Leverage Technology

Technology has served an incredible role for the past few years in allowing companies to streamline, automate and elevate quality control. We use technology extensively to ensure all our reports are filed on time, licenses are renewed, guards are held to higher standards that the rest of our industry, and more!

Prioritize Processes

We understand that everyone gets busy, but at the end of the day, processes exist because they keep companies running smoothing while also ensuring work is completed and documented so paperwork is filed on time, every time to ensure no gaps occur!

Do You Want to Work for Us as a Guard?

We are the security industry standard for our guards. Professionally trained, accountable, prepared for all scenarios, including general security protocols, on-foot or roving patrols, and even active shooter training, if requested. Are you interested in becoming a guard for BPS security? Contact us today to find out more information.

Want These Guards Working for You?

Do you require onsite security offers and want our highly qualified and trained guards working for you? We don’t blame you; we’d want them on security, too, whether that’s on door patrol at your club, on-site at work, or providing protection for you and your team on the go.
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