This is the header image for the BPS Security (based out of San Antonio, Texas) article titled, “Should I Hire My Own Security Team or Contract a Security Firm?”.

Should I Hire My Own Security Team or Contract a Security Firm?

Recently, we published an article titled, “Common Mistakes Companies Make With In-House Security”, that provides a few tips on how to avoid these mistakes. However, that article left people asking, “So, should I hire my own security team or contract a security firm?” Therefore, we are going to dive a bit deeper into this subject.

Pros and Cons of Having In-House Security

We’ve said it before, and we will say it again — regardless of the industry, when a company needs to hire individuals for a particular position, there are always pros and cons to hiring in-house or contracting through an agency. Here are a few to consider specifically for security.

Pros of Having In-House Security

  • Choosing your own personnel (having the ability to properly vet security guards)
  • Having some kind of control over the rules and outcomes
  • Might seem less expensive (but frankly, if it is, something is missing!)
  • Promotes a sense of company-pride (if the team is excited to work for the company)
  • Not having to worry about a security firm taking advantage of them and/or flat out lying
  • Being able to control benefits

Cons of Having In-House Security

  • Lack of innovation (keeping up with the latest and greatest innovations)
  • Far more responsibility when it comes to training staff
  • Expenses — it may seem cost effective at first, but there are a lot of fees that come with having a security team that companies often overlook which leaves them vulnerable or slapped with a fine
  • The company has to get special licensing in order to legally have a security team.
  • Most companies do not pay for security insurance which leaves them in terribly procurious situations when an issue unfolds. Many times, when this happens, the company has to file for bankruptcy!
    Not knowing how to offer / where to send / or how to afford continued training for the entire staff
  • The cost of hiring + onboarding can become a problem, especially since security guards often bounce from company to company
  • The cost of benefits
  • Employee income tax
This image shows a business man staring up at a wall that reads “pros” and “cons” with little images under each option! This image is used in the BPS Security (based out of San Antonio, Texas) article titled, “Should I Hire My Own Security Team or Contract a Security Firm?”.
Now, as you can see, the cons seem to outweigh the pros. However, there is one bullet point under pros, “Not having to worry about a security company taking advantage of them and/or flat out lying,” will often leave CEO’s feeling like, “I have to hire my own security!” Frankly, we get it, but there is one more option.

Research Security Firms — And Hire a GREAT One

In reality, working with a good, reputable, honest security firm is the best option for most companies! However, it is extremely difficult to find a security firm that checks all three boxes! Most security firms are corrupt, antiquated, and money-hungry… and sadly, they are really great lyers. So, if you are wondering, “should I hire my own security?!” First, research potential security firms, and find a few good ones!

What to look for:

      • How do the security firms treat their employees?
        • Do they offer a livable wage and benefits?
        • What is their turnover rate
      •  Are the security guards required to continue their security training and education?
      • What kind of emotional support is offered to their security guards
      • Does the security firm work with their client (the company) to place a guard(s) that fits with the company culture?
      • Look past google reviews! Oftentimes, companies will be prompted to rate their security service based on a one-time event. If the event goes well, and no serious problems arise, the company will give a glowing review. Sure, that’s great, but you really need to know how the security firm and their guards handle tough situations. Frankly, a golden retriever can “man a door” at events that have no problems! But the moment something goes wrong… that’s when a well-trained security guard needs to step in.
      • Look past the price tag. When speaking to the security firm, find out what all is included with their quote (keep in mind how well they pay their guards, what kind of training they receive, and whether or not they offer benefits. All of these things cost money, so a firm’s rate will reflect that). Additionally, always take into consideration the level of service a security guard will provide when they are earning minimum wage vs. a living wage!
      • How quickly can they place a guard on-site? Oftentimes security companies tout, “We can have a guard onsite in less than 24 hours.” If you are hiring for a long term position, find out if that is going to be the permanent guard! If you are hiring for a one-time event, or emergency situation, find out how long the guard has been working with the company! Usually, firms will say “Yes!” to a job (for the money) then hire the first person that can legally work as a security guard… with very little vetting!

Here at BPS Security, we strive to treat our security guards with the same respect we give our clients, provide continued training, emotional support, a living wage, and benefits! Additionally, when placing a full-time guard with a client, we always work with our client to ensure the best fit for their company! 

This image shows a business man giving a thumbs up! The image only shows the upper part of his body (excluding head), and only his thumbs up hand is in focus. This image is used in the BPS Security (based out of San Antonio, Texas) article titled, “Should I Hire My Own Security Team or Contract a Security Firm?”.
Lastly, we have part-time security officers on-call (at all times) to help when/if a full-time guard is sick, needs to take vacation, and/or when we need to immediately place a guard at a company or event! If our client does need full-time security, we will then work with the company to place the best-fit full time guard(s)! Having part-time security guards allows us to help companies that need quick protection and still uphold our own standards of service!

Final Thoughts

When it comes to security, based on the nature of the job along with the rules and regulations, there really isn’t a straight answer to which option (in house or contracting) is better! That said, the cons of hiring in-house security will often outweigh the pros. However, this is only true when working with a top notch security firm! All in all, do your research!
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