
What Security Guards Should Never Do: Knowing the Difference Between Can and Can’t

This is the header image for the BPS Security blog titled, “What Security Guards Should Never Do: Knowing the Difference Between Can and Can't” The image displays the title beneath a blue thumbs down “don’t” symbol and an orange thumbs up “do” symbol.

Security guards are an important part of the security system in many buildings and businesses. They handle ensuring the safety of customers, employees, and other visitors. It is important for security guards to know what they can and cannot do to effectively protect the premises. In this blog, we will discuss what security guards should never do, the difference between can and can’t, the consequences of doing “can’t” activities, best practices for security guards, how to handle unusual situations, training and certification for security guards, common mistakes security guards should avoid, and the benefits of knowing what security guards can and can’t do. 

Introduction to Security Guard Duties 

Security guards are responsible for protecting people, property, and information. They are trained to observe, detect, and report any suspicious activity, and to deter and prevent criminal activity. Security guards must be physically fit and alert, able to think and act quickly in emergency situations. Security guards must also be aware of their surroundings, understand how to handle different types of people, and have the ability to follow instructions. 

To be a successful security guard, it is important to understand the duties and responsibilities of the job. Generally, the duties of a security guard include patrolling the premises, inspecting buildings and vehicles, monitoring security cameras, providing access control, responding to emergencies, and maintaining accurate records. Security guards must also abide by the laws and regulations of the state in which they are employed. 

The Difference Between Can and Can’t 

When it comes to security guard duties, it is important to understand the difference between can and can’t. Security guards are not police officers and are not authorized to make arrests or use force to detain or apprehend a suspect. Security guards are also not allowed to investigate crimes or initiate criminal proceedings. However, security guards are allowed to observe and report suspicious activity. 

It is important for security guards to know what they can and cannot do to effectively protect the premises. For example, security guards can observe and report suspicious activity, but they cannot confront a suspect or ask for identification. Security guards can also provide access control and monitor security cameras, but they cannot search people or vehicles. 

What Security Guards Should Never Do 

It is essential for security guards to understand the limitations of their job to properly protect the premises. There are certain activities that security guards should never do, such as: 

  • Use excessive force or violence 
  • Search people or vehicles without permission 
  • Make arrests or confront suspects 
  • Interfere with police investigations 
  • Make decisions without consulting their supervisor 
  • Make false statements or reports 

Security guards should also avoid taking any actions that could put themselves or anyone else in danger. 

The Consequences of Doing “Can’t” Activities 

It is important for security guards to understand that there can be grave consequences for engaging in activities that they are not authorized to do. For example, if a security guard uses excessive force or violence, they could face criminal charges. If a security guard searches people or vehicles without permission, they could face civil or criminal charges. Additionally, if a security guard makes false statements or reports, they could face disciplinary action or even termination from their job. 

Best Practices for Security Guards 

To properly protect the premises, it is important for security guards to follow certain best practices. Security guards should always be aware of their surroundings and be vigilant in their duties. They should also be familiar with the laws and regulations of the state in which they are employed. Additionally, security guards should have a good understanding of their duties and responsibilities. 

Security guards should also be prepared to handle unusual situations. They should be able to assess a situation quickly and calmly and make decisions based on their training and experience. Security guards should also be familiar with the security systems in place and be able to respond accordingly. 

How to Handle Unusual Situations 

Security guards must be prepared to handle unusual situations. It is important for security guards to understand how to assess a situation quickly and calmly and to make decisions based on the information they have. 

To do this, security guards should: 

  • Remain calm and be prepared to act if necessary 
  • Remain vigilant and take note of any suspicious activity 
  • Contact the proper authorities if needed 
  • Follow the instructions of their supervisor 
  • Remain professional and courteous 

Security guards should also be aware of the security systems in place and be able to respond quickly and efficiently. This includes being familiar with the alarm systems, CCTV cameras, access control systems, and other security measures. 

Training and Certification for Security Guards 

To be a successful security guard, it is important to have the proper training and certification. Most states require security guards to be licensed and to complete a certain amount of training to be eligible for a license. 

The training for security guards includes topics such as: 

  • Laws and regulations 
  • Access control 
  • Security systems 
  • Emergency preparedness 
  • Risk assessment 
  • Conflict management 
  • Professionalism 

Security guards should also regularly attend refresher courses to stay up to date on the latest security practices and procedures. 

Common Mistakes Security Guards Should Avoid 

While it is important for security guards to know what they can and cannot do, it is also important to know what mistakes to avoid. Common mistakes that security guards should avoid include: 

  • Not following the instructions of their supervisor 
  • Not staying vigilant and aware of their surroundings 
  • Not staying up to date on laws and regulations 
  • Not taking proper action in emergency situations 
  • Not responding quickly to security breaches 
  • Not using proper communication techniques 

By avoiding these common mistakes, security guards can ensure that they are effectively protecting the premises. 


The Benefits of Knowing What Security Guards Can and Can’t Do 

Knowing what security guards can and can’t do is essential for protecting the premises. By understanding the limitations of their job, security guards are better able to respond to any situation appropriately. They are also better able to identify and report suspicious activity and provide access control. 

Additionally, by being aware of the laws and regulations of the state in which they are employed, security guards are better able to protect themselves and the people they are guarding. Knowing the difference between can and can’t also helps security guards avoid making mistakes that could put them or anyone else in danger. 



Security guards play a vital role in protecting people, property, and information. It is essential for security guards to understand their duties and responsibilities, as well as the difference between can and can’t. Security guards should also be familiar with best practices and how to handle unusual situations. Additionally, security guards should have the proper training and certification and avoid making mistakes that could put them or anyone else in danger. 

By understanding their duties and knowing the difference between can and can’t, security guards can effectively protect the premises and ensure the safety of everyone involved. 

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