This type of security guard will be highly trained and experienced, which comes with a price tag. (In security, you get what you pay for). The thing is, these types of parties get out of hand fast. It would be easy for any student to make false accusations against a guard, which can quickly ruin that officer’s career, pinning them with expensive lawsuits, and even potential jail time. Thus, inexperienced guards will not want to intervene. (Why would they ruin their lives for $12/hour?)
Additionally, in this environment, the officers must have body cams at all time with enough storage to record for the entire time they are on-site. This will keep the number of potential accusations against the security guards (and possibly the fraternity) to a minimum… especially if they indeed intervene and actually do their job! Unfortunately, when hiring a “cheap security guard”, these individuals are placed by security firms that do not typically dish out extra money for high-end body cams with a significant amount of storage.
Another piece of this puzzle is, due to the nature of fraternity parties, there really needs to be 1 guard for every 20 attendees. This is, yet again, expensive, and likely not something that the fraternities would be willing to pay for.