At BPS Security, we believe a good security guard can make all the difference. With proper training and execution, security guards protect people at work and home while providing a sense of peace to the community. Security guard responsibilities can range from being present to maintaining order while reacting to assaults and robberies. The guard must treat each of these duties with care and esteem while suited up for the job. Below we discuss a few main responsibilities that every security guard should be doing!
Top 5 Things Every Security Guard Should Be Doing
Security guards are the backbone of almost every business, building, or facility they protect. But how well do people know the vast array of security guard responsibilities that make up a security job? Let’s look at the top security guard duties everyone should know about:
Writing Reports: One of the most overlooked security guard roles involves writing reports. Security guards are on duty in the first place because there is a record of everything that happens on the premises. It’s impossible to predict what kind of activity can seem normal at the time but turn suspicious later. Proper security guards should write detailed reports of anything eventful during their shift. Suppose something serious happens that requires a security guard to intervene. In that case, there needs to be a report written up so that the guard’s supervisor and the proper authorities can have details on what occurred.
Be visible: An essential part of the security guard’s duties is being visible. The presence of an authoritative figure can keep people in line and prevent someone who might attempt to cause harm from acting on their intentions. A good security guard should know how to be both evident and discrete simultaneously. Proper positioning is vital in high-traffic areas and creates feelings of safety for the public.
Monitor Access Points: In certain situations, security guards will be responsible for managing the access points to the location they protect. Some organizations have security on duty to monitor that only people with a reason to be on-site have access to the entry point. The same is true at other high-profile locations where safety concerns already exist. Security guards’ responsibilities include keeping a log of visitors and checking the credentials of everyone who enters the building.
First Line of Defense: A security guard’s duties involve being the first line of defense in a crisis or emergency. This is a crucial responsibility as crime progresses rapidly. One minute, everything could appear normal, and the next, people’s lives could be in danger. Before starting the job, a security officer must train to handle any situation. If action is required to assist or protect people, they will be the first to act. If the problem is severe, guards will receive help from other security personnel based on the situation. It is important to know that security guards will always be the first to jump into a problem and provide the first line of protection.
Offer Advice and Instructions: Let it not be forgotten that a security officer’s duties include helping people. If there is important safety information about a particular building or event, security guards need to be able to convey accurate information to people. For example, suppose there is a threat at an event. In that case, the security guard must give precise information while advising people of the consequences if they don’t follow the instructions. A security guard’s responsibilities revolve around helping people and keeping everyone safe.
BPS Has the Guards for You
Security guards have a silent but important role in most businesses. It’s important to remember that they are only humans. The part of security personnel isn’t easy, but it is possible to find a highly trained, well-equipped team to ensure that you and your business always feel protected and secure. With all the different processes that security guards are required to remember and communications they may need to deploy, it’s clear that professional delegation is a solid idea for anyone looking to take their security to the next level. By this point, we hope you have a grasp on the responsibilities of security personnel and what every security guard should be doing!
BPS Security is rewriting the industry standard in the security industry. We treat our clients well while leveraging technology and prioritizing the safety of your premises and employees. If you’re ready to take protection to the next level, visit us on our website today!